Friday, December 4, 2015

The Very Beginning

A friend of mine has a habit of watching Youtube videos in the morning right after he wakes up. This morning, I try the same thing and the topic that interests me is how to write and how to make a writing portfolio. Writing is the thing that i always want to do but keep delaying due to laziness and lack of determination or a sense of emergency. However, at this stage of my life, writing is necessary for my survival. How to begin?
- Find the articles that i like and point out what is good about them and then try to write something that has the same effect.
- Find a topic that i am interested into and learn about them then write about them with my own perspective.?!
- Read heaps to improve my writing skills for English is my second language.
- Think of writing as a way to learn. No pressure at all.
- And there is no audience, but i would love to have someone that find my writing interesting and worth reading. Let's hope! :)

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